SCPGA Fall Teaching Summit


SCPGA Fall Teaching Summit

SCPGA Fall Teaching Summit at Desert Willow Golf Club in Palm Desert, California


Randy Smith, PGA ~ Royal Oak CC Tom Henderson, PGA ~ Round Hill Club

Randy Smith, PGA ~ Royal Oak CC
Tom Henderson, PGA ~ Round Hill Club


The SCPGA Fall Teaching Summit at Desert Willow Golf Club, in Palm Desert, California is being held on October 21-22, 2013.  Some of the best teachers in Southern California came together to
“instruct the instructors”. 

Jim Remy, former president of the PGA America presented great insight into the state of the golf industry and what he feels is the future of golf and how to be successful professionals.  He inspired the crowd to be proud of being PGA professionals and to work hard at being the best that you can be.

Randy Smith, PGA of Royal Oaks Country Club, one of the best and well-known golf instructors in the U.S. was one of the presenters. His accomplishments are long and wide and he has recently been inducted into the PGA of America Hall of Fame.  He spoke about the business of golf, instruction and the many top professionals he’s had the opportunity of working with.  In his southern drawl, he creatively entertained the group while giving great insight into how to teach golfers of all levels. 

Tom Henderson, PGA of Round Hill Club, in Greenwich, Connecticut was another presenter.  Tom is the first PGA member to achieve certification for Player Development.  He gave insight into how to create new clients, retain current ones and to stay fresh year-in and year-out.  Included in his presentation was his knowledge of giving golf lessons, club fitting and being a gentleman professional.

Along with these great professionals, we had presenting sponsors from Nike, FlightScope, Orange Whip, Smartflex, Strutz Pro, Impact Instant Canopy and Sun Safe Tee Golf Program.  Their presence made the overall experience one to remember.

It’s always great to go to these events.  It’s inspiring and I feel especially proud to be a PGA Professional. Golf and Golf Instruction is a passion and it’s truly enjoyable to help others to become better players.  This season, I look forward to meeting new students and continuing the many great relationships that I have formed over the years.

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